2015.11.13- Surfer Mitch bat Ryan Rogan
- Les Cousins McHaggis battent Mike Marston et Shadow - James Stone bat Chris Aros - Les Frères Grenier battent #TheBest - Lucky Sabiti bat MG Animal par compte à l'extérieur - Jesse Champagne bat Dom Boulanger - Mary-Lee Rose bat Eve - Dru Onyx remporte le championnat de VICTORY RING contre Alex North - Surfer Mitch bat Ryan Rogan - Les Cousins McHaggis battent Mike Marston et Shadow - James Stone bat Chris Aros - Les Frères Grenier battent #TheBest - Lucky Sabiti bat MG Animal par compte à l'extérieur - Jesse Champagne bat Dom Boulanger - Mary-Lee Rose bat Eve - Dru Onyx remporte le championnat de VICTORY RING contre Alex North |
Dans le combat d'ouverture de Rise or Fall, la sensation de haute voltige Surfer Mitch et le Vagabond Ryan Rogan ont livré une véritable clinique de lutte. Après une multitude de de maneouvres impressionnantes, Rogan pensait qu'il avait le meilleur de Mitch après une corde à linge fulgurante suivi de son Gypsysault du deuxième cable. Cependant, le résilient Mitch s'est dégagé du tombé, incitant le Vagabond à regarder dans son sac à dos au abords du ring pour tenter de trouver quelque chose à l'intérieur. L'arbitre ne le permit pas, essayant d'enlever le sac des mains de Rogan, vidant les contenus sur le tapis du ring. Cette distraction a permise à Mitch de capitaliser avec son splash 450 du troisième cable, «la Vague», pour remporter le combat!
GAGNANT: Surfer Mitch
In the opening match of Rise or Fall, the high-flying sensation Surfer Mitch and the "Vagabond" Ryan Rogan put on a clinic. After a myriad of moves and counter-moves, Rogan thought he had the better of it after a wicked clothesline followed by his second-rope Gypsysault. The resilient Mitch kicked out however, prompting the Vagabond to look through his backpack at ringside in an attempt to find something inside. The referee wouldn't allow it, engaging in a tug-of-war with Rogan that scattered its contents all over the mat, leaving him open to a flying kick from Mitch followed by his signature 450 splash, "the Wave", for the pinfall!
WINNER: Surfer Mitch
GAGNANT: Surfer Mitch
In the opening match of Rise or Fall, the high-flying sensation Surfer Mitch and the "Vagabond" Ryan Rogan put on a clinic. After a myriad of moves and counter-moves, Rogan thought he had the better of it after a wicked clothesline followed by his second-rope Gypsysault. The resilient Mitch kicked out however, prompting the Vagabond to look through his backpack at ringside in an attempt to find something inside. The referee wouldn't allow it, engaging in a tug-of-war with Rogan that scattered its contents all over the mat, leaving him open to a flying kick from Mitch followed by his signature 450 splash, "the Wave", for the pinfall!
WINNER: Surfer Mitch
Les dirigeants de VICTORY RING ont eu un peu de difficulté à trouver un co-équipier à l'anti-social Mike Marston pour son combat contre les Cousins McHaggis, finissant par lui fournir le poids-léger Kitt Shadow. Tandis que Marston fut impressionnant dans le combat, apportant sa meilleure offensive contre les cousins, le svelte Shadow a été renversé par les bagarreurs irlandais de façon décisive, subissant leur manoeuvre de finition, le "Last Call".
Après le match, Marston fit connaitre sa colère en attaquant son partenaire, couronnant le tout avec son headbutt du troisième cable.
GAGNANTS : Les Cousins McHaggis
VICTORY RING matchmakers encountered a bit of difficulty finding the rather anti-social Mike Marston a tag team partner for his outing against the Cousins McHaggis, and ended up supplying him one in the form of the high-flying newcomer Kitt Shadow. While Marston was impressive in the match, taking it to the Cousins, the lithe Shadow was bowled over by the Irish brawlers in decisive fashion, eventually falling victim to their Last Call finishing move.
After the match, a furious Marston made his anger known by beating down his one-time-only partner, nailing him with his top rope diving headbutt to drive the point home.
WINNERS: The Cousins McHaggis
Après le match, Marston fit connaitre sa colère en attaquant son partenaire, couronnant le tout avec son headbutt du troisième cable.
GAGNANTS : Les Cousins McHaggis
VICTORY RING matchmakers encountered a bit of difficulty finding the rather anti-social Mike Marston a tag team partner for his outing against the Cousins McHaggis, and ended up supplying him one in the form of the high-flying newcomer Kitt Shadow. While Marston was impressive in the match, taking it to the Cousins, the lithe Shadow was bowled over by the Irish brawlers in decisive fashion, eventually falling victim to their Last Call finishing move.
After the match, a furious Marston made his anger known by beating down his one-time-only partner, nailing him with his top rope diving headbutt to drive the point home.
WINNERS: The Cousins McHaggis
James Stone était à la recherche de nouveaux défis quand il est venu à VICTORY RING, et il a certainement eu un provenant du guerrier spartiate Chris Aros, qui l'a poussé à ses limites dans un match formidable. Après avoir subit l'offensive d'Aros, Stone réussit à se rallier et terminer le combat avec son sa variation du "Death Valley Driver", le « PJ20 ».
Après le combat, Stone offrit une poignée de main à Aros par respect, seulement pour ce faire prendre d'assaut par en arrière par le Vagabond Ryan Rogan, très probablement encore bouillonnant de sa défaite plus tôt dans la soirée. Aros s'est ensuite joint à son confrère Rogan pour attaquer Stone, incitant Surfer Mitch d'essayer d'intervenir. Il a également été pris d'assaut par Aros et Rogan. Après avoir laissé Stone et Mitch gisant dans le ring, leurs deux attaquants affichés pleinement leur fierté dans leurs actions, malgré les railleries des fans.
GAGNANT: James Stone
James Stone was looking for new challenges when he came to VICTORY RING, and he certainly got one from the Spartan warrior Chris Aros who pushed him to his limits in a terrific wrestling match. Stone managed to rally and finish the match with his variation of the Death Valley Driver, the PJ20.
After the bout, Stone offered Aros his hand as a show of respect. However, Stone was blindsided by the Vagabond Ryan Rogan who, most likely still seething from his loss earlier in the evening, ran into the ring and attacked him. Aros joined Rogan in attacking Stone, prompting Surfer Mitch to try to get to the ring and intervene, only to get taken beaten down as well. As Stone and Mitch recovered in the ring, their two fully displayed their pride in their actions, despite jeers from the fans.
WINNER: James Stone
Après le combat, Stone offrit une poignée de main à Aros par respect, seulement pour ce faire prendre d'assaut par en arrière par le Vagabond Ryan Rogan, très probablement encore bouillonnant de sa défaite plus tôt dans la soirée. Aros s'est ensuite joint à son confrère Rogan pour attaquer Stone, incitant Surfer Mitch d'essayer d'intervenir. Il a également été pris d'assaut par Aros et Rogan. Après avoir laissé Stone et Mitch gisant dans le ring, leurs deux attaquants affichés pleinement leur fierté dans leurs actions, malgré les railleries des fans.
GAGNANT: James Stone
James Stone was looking for new challenges when he came to VICTORY RING, and he certainly got one from the Spartan warrior Chris Aros who pushed him to his limits in a terrific wrestling match. Stone managed to rally and finish the match with his variation of the Death Valley Driver, the PJ20.
After the bout, Stone offered Aros his hand as a show of respect. However, Stone was blindsided by the Vagabond Ryan Rogan who, most likely still seething from his loss earlier in the evening, ran into the ring and attacked him. Aros joined Rogan in attacking Stone, prompting Surfer Mitch to try to get to the ring and intervene, only to get taken beaten down as well. As Stone and Mitch recovered in the ring, their two fully displayed their pride in their actions, despite jeers from the fans.
WINNER: James Stone
Après que le duo arrogant de #TheBest ait volé la victoire à la conclusion du combat triple-équipe lors du gala Overdrive, les Frères Grenier avaient un goût pour la vengeance. Après avoir rompu la tentative de Spunk et Logan Reid d'utiliser leur combinaison de finition «#TheEnd», les Frères ont réussi leur propre finition par équipe, «La récompense», pour remporter la victoire.
GAGNANTS: Les Frères Grenier
After the cocky pair of #TheBest stole away the victory at Overdrive's triple tag match, the rough and tumble Grenier Brothers had comeuppance on their minds. After breaking up Spunk and Logan Reid's attempt at using their "#TheEnd" finishing combination, the Brothers hit their own double-team finish, The Reward, for the win.
WINNERS: The Grenier Brothers
GAGNANTS: Les Frères Grenier
After the cocky pair of #TheBest stole away the victory at Overdrive's triple tag match, the rough and tumble Grenier Brothers had comeuppance on their minds. After breaking up Spunk and Logan Reid's attempt at using their "#TheEnd" finishing combination, the Brothers hit their own double-team finish, The Reward, for the win.
WINNERS: The Grenier Brothers
Lucky Sabiti vs. MG Animal
Il s'agissait d'un match pour déterminer l'aspirant numéro un pour le championnat VICTORY RING. Tôt dans le combat, MG Animal fut distrait par l'arrivée de Dru Onyx, qui était venu au ring pour observer les déroulements. Après qu'Animal ait brisé le "Sharpshooter" de Sabiti, l'action s'est répandue à l'extérieur du ring. Grâce à la distraction d'Onyx, Sabiti réussit à se faufiler dans le ring et de prendre la victoire par compte à l'extérieur, devenant ainsi aspirant au championnat.
Après le combat, MG Animal, furieux, a défia Onyx de revenir lui faire face dans le ring. Malheureusement, ce fut le commissaire Réjean Côté qui répondit, vidant la moitié du vestiaire pour le retenir afin de protéger la finale de la soirée. De plus, le commissionaire a ensuite décrété qu'Animal devait être banni de l'arène pendant le match de championnat d'Onyx.
GAGNANT: Lucky Sabiti
It was a match to determine the number one contender for the VICTORY RING championship. MG Animal was distracted by an observing Dru Onyx, who came to ringside to observe the proceedings. After Animal powered out of Sabiti's sharpshooter, the action spilled to the outside. Thanks to Onyx's distracting of Animal, Sabiti managed to sneak back into the ring and take the win via countout to become number one contender.
After the contest, an irate Animal challenged Onyx to get into the ring, only to have commissioner Réjean Côté empty half the locker room to restrain him in order to protect his main event. Then Coté then decreed that Animal was to be banned from ringside during Onyx's championship match.
WINNER: Lucky Sabiti
Après le combat, MG Animal, furieux, a défia Onyx de revenir lui faire face dans le ring. Malheureusement, ce fut le commissaire Réjean Côté qui répondit, vidant la moitié du vestiaire pour le retenir afin de protéger la finale de la soirée. De plus, le commissionaire a ensuite décrété qu'Animal devait être banni de l'arène pendant le match de championnat d'Onyx.
GAGNANT: Lucky Sabiti
It was a match to determine the number one contender for the VICTORY RING championship. MG Animal was distracted by an observing Dru Onyx, who came to ringside to observe the proceedings. After Animal powered out of Sabiti's sharpshooter, the action spilled to the outside. Thanks to Onyx's distracting of Animal, Sabiti managed to sneak back into the ring and take the win via countout to become number one contender.
After the contest, an irate Animal challenged Onyx to get into the ring, only to have commissioner Réjean Côté empty half the locker room to restrain him in order to protect his main event. Then Coté then decreed that Animal was to be banned from ringside during Onyx's championship match.
WINNER: Lucky Sabiti
Jesse Champagne VS. Dom Boulanger
Après avoir frappé le commissaire Réjean Côté de plein fouet avec un avant-bras lors du gala OVERDRIVE, Jesse Champagne retourna dans l'arène en toute confiance lors de RISE OR FALL, jusqu'au dévoilement de l'arbitre pour son match contre Dom Boulanger: l'invité spécial du commissaire, la légende vivante Raymond Coutu!
Fidèle à son surnom de «Dominateur», Boulanger sut gardé le contrôle du combat avec de puissantes manœuvres, tandis que Champagne s'est appuyé sur ses connaissances techniques et son expérience dans le ring pour contrer. C'est après un match très compétitif que Champagne a réussi à river les épaules de Boulanger sur le tapis. Après avoir loué les efforts de son adversaire, Champagne s'est ensuite excusé auprès de la direction de VICTORY RING et a demandé un autre combat contre Coutu.
GAGNANT: Jesse Champagne
After blasting commissioner Réjean Côté with a forearm shot at OVERDRIVE, Jesse Champagne confidently returned at Rise or Fall, until the unveiling of the referee for his match against the "Dominator" Dom Boulanger: the commissionner's special guest, living legend Raymond Coutu!
True to his nickname, Boulanger kept control of the contest with powerful maneuvers, while Champagne relied on his technical knowledge and his in-ring experience to counter. It was after a very competitive match-up that Champagne managed to pin Boulanger's shoulders to the mat. After praising the efforts of his opponent, Champagne then apologized to VICTORY RING management and asked for another match against Coutu.
WINNER: Jesse Champagne
Fidèle à son surnom de «Dominateur», Boulanger sut gardé le contrôle du combat avec de puissantes manœuvres, tandis que Champagne s'est appuyé sur ses connaissances techniques et son expérience dans le ring pour contrer. C'est après un match très compétitif que Champagne a réussi à river les épaules de Boulanger sur le tapis. Après avoir loué les efforts de son adversaire, Champagne s'est ensuite excusé auprès de la direction de VICTORY RING et a demandé un autre combat contre Coutu.
GAGNANT: Jesse Champagne
After blasting commissioner Réjean Côté with a forearm shot at OVERDRIVE, Jesse Champagne confidently returned at Rise or Fall, until the unveiling of the referee for his match against the "Dominator" Dom Boulanger: the commissionner's special guest, living legend Raymond Coutu!
True to his nickname, Boulanger kept control of the contest with powerful maneuvers, while Champagne relied on his technical knowledge and his in-ring experience to counter. It was after a very competitive match-up that Champagne managed to pin Boulanger's shoulders to the mat. After praising the efforts of his opponent, Champagne then apologized to VICTORY RING management and asked for another match against Coutu.
WINNER: Jesse Champagne
Mary-Lee Rose VS. Eve
Dans le combat de dames de la soirée, Mary-Lee Rose réussit à surmonter l'offensive puissante de la "Veuve Noire" Eve, remportant sa première victoire à VICTORY RING!
GAGNANTE: Mary-Lee Rose
In the ladies match of the night, Mary-Lee Rose managed to overcome the powerful offense of the "Black Widow" Eve, securing her first VICTORY RING win!
WINNER: Mary-Lee Rose
GAGNANTE: Mary-Lee Rose
In the ladies match of the night, Mary-Lee Rose managed to overcome the powerful offense of the "Black Widow" Eve, securing her first VICTORY RING win!
WINNER: Mary-Lee Rose
Dans la grande finale de la soirée, Alex North et Dru Onyx ont livré toute une bataille de poids lourd pour le championnat de VICTORY RING. Le commissaire Rejean Coté avait peut-être interdit à MG Animal de se rendre au ring - mais cela n'a pas empêché Lucky Sabiti de s'impliquer. Après avoir constaté que le North semblait être blessé au genou, Sabiti a tenté de le tirer hors du ring afin de perdre le combat par compte à l'extérieur, conservant ainsi son championnat. North n'en voulait rien et repoussa Sabiti, subissant aussitôt retourné le «Roadkill Spear » d'Onyx pour le compte de trois, couronnant un nouveau champion!
In the Rise or Fall main event, Alex North and Dru Onyx delivered a hard-fought heavyweight battle for the VICTORY RING championship. Commissioner Rejean Coté may had barred MG Animal from ringside – but it didn't stop number 1 contender Lucky Sabiti from getting involved. After seeing that North was favouring his knee, Sabiti attempted to him out of the ring and get counted out to retain his title. North would have none of it and shoved him away, only to fall victim to Onyx's roadkill spear for the three count. A new champion was crowned!
WINNER and NEW VICTORY RING champion: Dru Onyx
In the Rise or Fall main event, Alex North and Dru Onyx delivered a hard-fought heavyweight battle for the VICTORY RING championship. Commissioner Rejean Coté may had barred MG Animal from ringside – but it didn't stop number 1 contender Lucky Sabiti from getting involved. After seeing that North was favouring his knee, Sabiti attempted to him out of the ring and get counted out to retain his title. North would have none of it and shoved him away, only to fall victim to Onyx's roadkill spear for the three count. A new champion was crowned!
WINNER and NEW VICTORY RING champion: Dru Onyx